Ian Harding, Lake Links Safety Coordinator
Along South Shore Boulevard there is an issue that has caused injuries to bicyclists. If you are transitioning from the asphalt road surface to the trail using any of the concrete driveway aprons on the north side of the road, take extreme care because there is an approximately 2-inch step on nearly all these driveway aprons. If you ride up this step at anything other than right angles you may be thrown off your bike as your front wheel is jerked to the side. Even riding up these 2-inch steps at right angles may cause a big jolt and or flat. We suggest you access the trail at the ADA style ramps located at the main intersections and not at a driveway apron. See new December 18 update below.
Ramsey County is now aware and moving forward to get these steps reduced to <1/2-inch (the original spec). Thank you to Lake Links supporters who made us aware of the issue.
Lake Links have been continually pressing Ramsey County for corrective action since July 31, 2024. Here is the latest from Ramsey County:
We are working with the general contractor who incorrectly installed the aprons. They had a subcontractor do the actual installation and they are currently working with them on resolution. It has become a legal matter and I cannot really describe more then that. In the meantime, we encourage bicyclists to utilize the accessible ramps at intersections as much as possible to avoid the lips in the private driveway aprons. As the corrective action gets closer to resolution, we will keep you informed.
UPDATE : December 18, 2024
Ramsey County has gotten bids for the corrective work; a decision will be made January 10 as to which contractor will grinding the aprons. The work will proceed during the winter.
The Lake Links Association relies on user reports of safety issues; with good information we can share them with the government units that own the trail segments to take corrective action. Please help us to make the trail as safe as we can.
Here is a link to report a safety issue.
Here is a link to our ongoing safety database where we keep track of safety issues.
Be safe and enjoy walking, rolling, or biking along the trails.