On Friday, June 2, Governor Walz signed into law the 2023 appropriations bill, which contains $2 million for a grant to the City of Dellwood in Washington County to design, engineer, construct, and equip trail improvements consistent with the completed preliminary
engineering along or parallel with the shore of White Bear Lake between the Mahtomedi city limits and the western border of Washington County. This appropriation may also be used for the acquisition of permanent easements and right-of-way. This appropriation is in addition to the appropriation of $2.6 million in Laws 2020, Fifth Special Session chapter 3, article 1, section 17, subdivision 13, for the same trail construction.
In addition there is language in the same bill to transfer any balance (up to $70,000) remaining in the City of Mahtomedi Lake Links 2020 grant to the City of Birchwood Village for Lake Links Trail infrastructure. The exact amount available is yet to be confirmed by the City of Mahtomedi (existing grant holder) and the Metropolitan Council (grants administrator). The scope of infrastructure work (such as striping, signage and shoulder work) is yet to be determined.
Please extend a big thank you to our local state legislators for supporting the funding for the Lake Links trail.