If you like learning about your surroundings while walking, biking, or hiking, the Lake Links Association has some good news.
In the year ahead, we’ll gather information about various points of particular interest along the 10-mile trail around White Bear Lake. After we have a good collection of ideas, we’ll identify the top 20 or so on public or landowner-approved sites and mark their locations with QR codes. Scanning one of these QR codes with your phone camera will open a webpage with information and photos that tell the story of that special place.
Some points of interest will be historical. Others might indicate the presence of unusual natural, architectural, or other features. We’re hoping to come up with a wide variety of fascinating features to make a trip around the lake fun and educational for everyone.

If you have a suggestion for a highlight to include, please send it for consideration to lakelinksmn@gmail.com. To see the trail route or learn more about the Lake Links Trail, visit our “Enjoy the Trail” page.